The Peter Projection Map

The Peter Projection Map – Once the player’s hand enters into the Sleepwalker’s world through larger holes in the wall, a camera used for depth cues maps the projection to its presence. The tiny figure then uses the . In order for the images to properly map onto a surface, the surface first has to be mapped so that the projection is able to properly transform the flat image in order to produce the illusion of .

The Peter Projection Map

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Mercator Projection V. Gall Peters Projection

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Gall–Peters projection Wikipedia

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World Peters Projection Wall Map The Map Shop

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The Peters Projection and Mercator Map

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Peters World map Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center

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Buy Updated Peters Projection World | Laminated 36″ x 24

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Peters Projection Map | Oxford Cartographers

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Mercator Projection V. Gall Peters Projection

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Gall–Peters projection Wikipedia

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The Peter Projection Map Gall–Peters projection Wikipedia: who found in the book a fragment of a manuscript map of the world and an equidistant polar projection of the sixteenth century. The book was printed and bound in Italy in the year 1536. . Learn to use Isadora to projection map your video, animation, or images onto 3D physical objects and incorporate live interactivity into your installation. PART TWO – Light, Form + The Stage (JULY .